Friday 10 September 2021

Meet your Programme Team

Today is the last of our Welcome back activities and you have the opportunity to meet your MAPP programme team. If you attended the Welcome Induction sessions earlier in the week you will know we have expanded our academic team this year and we welcome Dr Mike Dines to the team and continue to benefit from Angela's contribution to the programme. 

At our session today, 1300 (UK) Myself, Angela and Mike will share our areas of practice-research with you in conversation, giving an insight into what we all do, the artistic approaches we take, where our research is taking us. Hopefully there will be some moments of interest and prompting of questions for you in the discussions we may have with you all moving forward into this term. 

You will hear from your Supervisors today also to being to make contact for the term, and should ensure by the end of this week that you have the MAPP calendar dowloaded from UniHub, your Study Plan for this term, and your module handbook for the module you are in now. 

Link for this afternoon:  

1300-1400 (UK/BST)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 927 5425 7389
Passcode: 295181


  1. HI Helen:)
    thank you for sharing your practice and experiences... that was really helpful from my life and practice too:)
    i wrote something about that subject in my blog too, so here is the link..

    1. Thank you for being with us and for your blog Sandra

  2. Hi,
    Unfortunately could not attend this zoom session due to work but really glad to read all the blog posts regarding:)
    Wrote a small "Back on Track" paragraph on my blog, so here is the link,
