Wednesday 3 November 2021

MORE applications

 A note on MORE applications for those in Module Two this term. 

1. If Angela is your supervisor please list my name also on your MORE form as I will be processing the applications in the first stage along with Mike, but Angela is not involved in this process. I need to be able to access them the applications from Angela's students and I can only do this if I am listed as supervisor (even if Angela is your regular supervisor on the programme). 

2. Please check the simple things before Requesting Signature on your MORE application 

- dates of the research (Jan 31-May 6 2022)

- module of study (DAN4760)

- PI/Chief Investigator - YOUR SUPERVISOR not you here! 

- access to data and ownership of data gathered - You and Your Supervisor's names needed

- upload forms if recruiting participants to your research (PIS, Consent, De-Brief, data protection etc)

- research is to take place in a Public Space NOT private - ie not your home (zoom and other online platforms in the public domain count as public spaces)

- If no participants - only the Employer Consent form - if you are self employed, self-sign and state this


Please do get these forms submitted 'Request Signature' by Friday Nov 5th, there is some room here for your supervisor to come back to you with comments for your attention/request you re-submit before the applications go to the Ethics Committee - but they must be in process with us by Friday 5th, unless you have discussed otherwise. 



1 comment:

  1. Hi Helen, I have just emailed you about an issue concerning my MORE application.
