Thursday, 30 January 2014


Just a note to let you all know you will be receiving feedback on your January Submissions tomorrow.

Grades for your relevant module will then be published via UniHub within the next 2 weeks.

Looking forward to catching up / checkin-in / moving forwards with you all via SKYPE on SUNDAY, 11am


Wednesday, 22 January 2014


A big thank-you and congratulations to Janet and Alison,

for their oral presentations yesterday - their module three is now complete and their time as students on the MAPP DTP drawing to a close.  Their presence in the MAPP community though still very much strong we hope, as we encourage all graduates of the programme to stay in touch via blogs, linked-in and skype as much as they can to continue to share practice and experiences.

So, we're in a transition period at the moment, before the new term begins of MONDAY FEB 3rd.
Use this time to get your head around the module handbooks, prior reading etc...

Returning students - welcome back!  We will be emailing you your feedback report on the module you have recently submitted on Fri Jan 31st, and your grade for the module will be published on UniHub (My learning) around this time too.  Please use this interim time to be reading through the module handbook for your next module.  They are all under the relevant modules tab here. 
If anyone would like a hard copy of the handbooks sent to them please do let us know by emailing Helen <>

Those new to the MAPP DTP programme, welcome - you have your induction this week via Skype which I have emailed you about, where we will give you lots of inofrmation to digest about the programme, expectations of you, modes of learning, getting into study mode itself and time to talk through module one in some detail.  This is the site now to come to for your Programme Handbook, your module handbooks, to access other learner's blogs and for general updates and information on the programme.

For now, happy start to the new term, don't forget to check in regularly (weekly ideally) with the blogs, remembering to comment on each others and ours as you feel relevant, and to participate fully in the monthly Skype group calls, this is a valuable line of communication for you all as a community of practitioners and learners.

Next scheduled Skype - SUN FEB 2, 11AM.
Please contact Adesola and Helen on Skype before this date so we can make sure we have your contact, ready for the call.
skype names:  <aonthephone> - Adesola
                             <helen.kindred2> - Helen


Tuesday, 21 January 2014


So our Module Three's are sharing their research projects this afternoon, fulfilling the oral presentation part of the assessment for this module.  Very much looking forward to seeing them, and hoping some of you will be there to support also.

1pm The Grove Dance Theatre (G190)

all for now, more reading of your work to do!!
