Saturday, 25 April 2015

Presentation and Submission of your work...

As you approach the stage of preparing work for submission I thought it may be helpful to re-post this blog offering some guidance as to the presentation of your work in line with the University's expectations.  Whilst the content and expression of your experiences for each essay is most important, presenting work for consideration by the University also expects you to adhere to certain protocol.

Some guidelines:

Presentation of Essays
Essays should be typed, 1.5 or double spaced. 

Please justify the margins on both sides. Fonts: use Times New Roman, Arial or Garamond. 

The cover page should include; 
your name
student number
programme and year
module number and title
module tutor - PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU STATE HELEN KINDRED, SENIOR LECTURER IN DANCE (TG55) to ensure any hard copy work submitted gets to the correct office.
full title of assignment and date written and word count.

Please do not use bold type or underlining in your essay, but italicize any foreign words as well as book titles and titles of choreographic works, plays or films. Use single quotes (‘and “double quotes” inside single quotes’).
1)            References in bibliography:
A bibliography is a list of all source material you have used, whether or not you have quoted from it. It is important to show that you have extended your knowledge by referring to other texts/works/authorities. A bibliography should be presented in alphabetical order of author’s surname. There are various ways of setting out a bibliography, but the details should always include:

Surname, Initial(s). Date of publication. Title in italics. Place of Publication: Publisher.

For example:
Ostwald, P. 1999. Vaslav Nijinsky. A Leap into Madness. London: Robson Books.

Edited book:

Surname, Initial(s). (ed.). Date of publication. Title in italics. Place: Publisher.

For example:
Carter, A. (ed.). 1998. The Routledge Dance Studies Reader. London: Routledge.

Book chapter:

Surname, Initial(s). Date. Chapter title. In Name of editor (ed.), Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, pages in book.

For example:
Carter, A. 1996. Bodies of knowledge: Dance and feminist analysis. In Patrick Campbell (ed.),Analysing performanceA critical reader. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 43-55.

Journal articles:

Surname, Initial(s). Date. Title of article. Title of journal volume (issue no.), page numbers.

For example:

Gill, R., and Pratt, A. 2008. In the Social Factory? Immaterial Labour, Precariousness and Cultural Work. Theory, Culture & Society 25(7), 1–30.

Videography / DVDs (a list of videos /DVDs you have used):

Name of choreographer. Date of work. Title of work in italics. [DVD/video, etc]. Place of distribution, distributing company.

For example:
Khan, A. and Cherkaoui, S.L. 2008. Zero Degrees [DVD]. Sadler’s Wells on Screen. Axiom Films International Limited.

Media broadcast, e.g. television programme

Title. Year. Type of media. Originator (e.g. channel). Exact date and time of broadcast.

For example:
The Culture Show. 2013. TV. BBC2. 13th March, 2200 hrs.

Live performance:

Choreographer. Year of premiere. Title in italics. Company (optional). [Location. Date seen].

For example:
Ashton, F. 1948. Cinderella. [Royal Opera House, London. 13 January 2004].

Newspaper articles:
1)    Printed:
Surname, Initial(s). Title of article. Title of newspaper, day and month of article, page number.

For example:
Rae, B. 2008. Mozart dances at Civic Theatre. The New Zealand Herald, 25 August, 11.

2)    Electronic:
Surname, Initial(s). Year of publication. Title of Article. Title of Newspaper in italics [online]. Day and month of article. Page number of article - if applicable. Available from: URL of database supplier [accessed date].

For example:
Dickson, Andrew. 2011. Immersive Theatre: It Was a Ghost in the Library with a Violin. The Guardian [online]. 4 July, 14. Available from: [accessed 2 January 2012].

Internet References

Electronic references should contain the following elements:
Surname, initial(s) of author (if known). Date. Title of document [Type of resource, i.e. Online]. Organisation responsible (optional). Available from: Title of Website [accessed date].
For example:
With author:
Cvejic, B. 2010. Xavier Le Roy: The Dissenting Choreography of One Frenchman Less. Available from:
Without author:
BBC News. 2008. Factory gloom worst since 1980 [online]. Available from: [accessed 10 June 2012].
Note: Dates are not always available for web pages. If this is so use (n.d.) to represent no date so that the reader knows you have omitted this element. In the in-text quotation, please reference as follows: Cvejic, 2010 (first example); BBC News, 2008 (second example).

Students should only use internet references when no other possibility for gaining this information exists. This is sometimes the case with current dance performances or choreographers. Dance students are not allowed to use Wikipedia or quotation websites for their assignments. They frequently provide incorrect and plagiarised information or quotations taken out of context which are not a means to find relevant academic information. 

Other source material may be listed e.g. Interviews’; there are no definitive guidelines for the presentation of these, but please give as much information as possible. For interviews give the name and role of person you interviewed, date and place of interview.
2)            In-text quotations
References should follow the Harvard style whereby references are cited in the text as (author, date: page) with full details in the bibliography at the end of the article. As a rule, page numbers should also be present unless the quotation refers to a very general argument or idea. Quotations of three lines or more should be indented in a separate paragraph. Please note that in-text quotations do not include the initial(s) of the author, but initial(s) should be stated in the bibliography.
Direct quotations:
- Phillips (2002: 43) noted that ‘contemporary dance in New Zealand is evolving rapidly’.         
- ‘Contemporary dance in New Zealand is evolving rapidly’ (Phillips, 2002: 43).
If author is not known:       
- This was obviously not the case before 2001 (Beating the Millenium Bug, 2003: 14)
- In Beating the Millenium Bug (2001: 14), it is claimed that this was not the case before 2001.
Secondary sources:                                                                                                          
- Smith (cited in Martin, 1991: 152) stated that one medium can be used in many different ways.                                                                                                                     
- One medium can be used in many different ways (Smith, cited in Martin, 1991: 52).  
Indirect quotations/paraphrasing a passage from a text:                                                                                                                            

- As the economy heated up, the government support for the arts cooled down (Horosko, 2002).                   
- Horosko states that as the economy heated up, the government support for the arts cooled down (2002).
When paraphrasing, you need to state the page number as if it were a direct quotation. If paraphrasing an argument that extends over several pages, you need to state this page range in full (e.g. 58-61). In the above example we can assume that this is an online source as there is no page number stated.

You must submit your work via the Turnitin drop boxes on UniHub PLUS via email to both Adesola and myself (regardless of who is your advisor, as we both need to review your work for assessment).  <> <> 

Module One portfolios, Module Two Research Proposals and Module Three Critical Reviews you must also submit via hard copy either in person to the UniHelp Desk in the Sheppard Library on the Hendon Campus or my post to:
Helen Kindred, Senior Lecturer in Dance
School of Media and Performing Arts (TG55)
Middlesex University London
Ensuring that you mail your work by the submission deadline.  Please note that we will take the date of submission from the date of posting, do not worry about it getting to us on the deadline, but posting it by the deadline.

To submit via UniHub:
Login to UniHub and go to MyUniHub / MyLearning / MA Professional Practice Dance Technique Pedagogy
Within our programme page you will find all the folders including your handbooks, resources and submission.
Open the folder titled SUBMISSIONS MAY
You will see there a checklist of submission content for each module and a Turnitin submission icon.  
Click on the turnitin icon for your Module (one, two or three) to upload your work.
Please note that Turnitin cannot accept work saved through PAGES.  You work must be saved as ONE DOCUMENT as a word file.

Should you have any technical problems with UniHub and turnitin please follow this link for advice.

uniHelp ( for technical problems 

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Dance and Writing Professional Practice Summer Intensive

We're really excited to let you know the dates of our first Professional Practice Summer Intensive, with more details to follow very shortly.

The Dance and Writing Professional Practice Summer Intensive will take place August 17th-21st 2015 and will be held at Middlesex University's Hendon Campus, London.

The programme has been designed in response to feedback from students on both the MAPP DTP and the BA Professional Practice (arts) programmes concerning the transition from vocational training, performance work, independent practice, studio teaching into studying within a university environment and being able to confidently share rich bodies of experiential knowledge through academic writing.

The programme intends to address these transitions through a mix of studio (practical) dance classes and classroom sessions;  accessing and developing literature reviews, citation methods, academic writing structures and written expression of physical experiences, engaging with social media and web 2.0 online developing confidence in online learning and sharing.

Each day will begin with a movement class followed by sessions looking at text, research skills and writing to help students develop confidence in what they have to offer as academic students and to encourage students to draw on their somatic knowing of movement to inform their ideas and writing.

The Summer Intensive will be open for booking and a full programme available through the MDX online store by the end of the month, we just wanted to flag up the dates to you now appreciating that you're probably in the process of planning your summers!

Provisional Details:
Dates: August 17-21, 2015
Costs: £350 (Full) £250 (concessions/unwaged)
Venue: Middlesex University London NW4 4BT
Facilitators: Adesola Akinleye and Helen Kindred
Bookings and Payment online:
The programme is open to all current MAPP DTP students, alumni and enrolling students for the coming academic year, and would be a great opportunity to come together and learn more whatever stage you're at.

Any questions in the meantime please do comment here with them,
