Monday, 21 January 2019

Welcome Week...

Hi, welcome to new students and welcome back to returning students on the MAPP DTP, MAPP Dance and MAPP Somatic Studies programmes.

Our term starts next week on Monday Jan 28th.

This week is a settling in, getting started, getting back into study week.

New starters you will receive an email from your supervisor this week with further information on getting started, links to unihub programme pages, calendar of events and your study plan. Do make contact in repsonse to let us know you've received this and to ask any questions you may have in order to get you all set up and ready to go next Monday.

Returning students you will receive an email from your supervisor this week with your feedback from your last module/assessed work, calendar of events and your study plan to come back to and update ahead of our Jan 28th start date.  

Get your blogs up and running, re-fresh them this week too and note the dates of our skype sessions. Following your feedback we have a lot more skype sessions this term including some with a module specific focus.. Please make every effort to attend and contribute to the MAPP community!

Looking forward to a great term ahead!
