Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Summer Break...

Well done to all on finishing this past term during such unusual and challenging times in the world. 
You will see that the grade for your work this term is now on Unihub and you will have received an email from your supervisor with feedback and confirmation of the grade. Please note that finalist degree classifications will follow at the end of this week.

It is now Summer break during this time you might reflect on the next module but remember the Module Handbooks are being up-dated so they will not be available until August. Our UniHub page is being up-dating during the summer. The whole page will be accessible by September 7th 2020.

The provisional schedule for the coming year is on UniHub now so you forward plan your time. 

At the beginning of September, we will be sending you information about returning to study. As you move into the next module of study you need to book a welcome back tutorial with your supervisor during Welcome Week, the week beginning 7th September 2020. 

During this tutorial we will go over your feedback and discuss your start of the new Module. To make an appointment please check your email from your supervisor this month (June) and go to the Doodle-poll they have created to check availability. 

Please note we are trialing new email addresses this coming term. Adesola and I have new emails just for the student communication. This is to make sure your emails do not get lost in anyway in our general email boxes (which everything goes to). As an enrolled student please use my new email address which is for enrolled students only. 

(my name, PP= Professional Practice, ACI =Arts and Creative Industries at Middlesex) 

with best wishes 