Firstly well done on making it through a challenging term, time, study period, life!!
Work submitted in May is now being reviewed and approved at the University Assesment Boards and you will receive confirmation of your grade at the end of June - this will be published on MyUnihub and you will receive feedback via email from your supervisor.
Finalists, your overall degree classification (Distinction, Merit, Pass) will follow a week or so later, please be patient it will come!
Over the summer period do take some time out, read, watch, connect as you are able with your practice and those around you.
The autumn term starts back with our Welcome/Welcome back week from Sept 6 and the first week of term is Sept 13.
Our first Welcome Back sessions will be on
Monday Sept 6, 10am (BST) and Tues Sept 7, 5pm (BST)
this is the same session twice, so attend a time that works best for you.
Zoom links will be available in the Zoom folder on Unihub from Sept 1.
All returning students should re-visit their work from the previous module and attend to any notes given in feedback in the first week of term. You should aim to send a Response to Feedback (via email) addressing points raised by the assessors by Friday Sept 17th.
Wishing you all the best for the summer period and into the next term.