Thursday, 24 March 2022


As drafts of work come in this week - please do ensure you take time to engage in the feedback process thoroughly by instigating feedback using the feedback discussion form. 


Sending simply an attachment to an email with no feedback form and no email text in some cases, is both unprofessional and shows a lack of engagement with your learning/feedback process. 


A reminder for Module two's you should be sending in your draft proposal - Your Supervisor does not need your participant info form, consent form, ethics form etc, these are all uploaded as part of your MORE application and Astrid will be feeding back on these to you.

Monday, 21 March 2022

RPL Claim Submission

 A reminder that RPL claims are due to be submitted today. 


As discussed if you are not submitting the full 80 credits at this submission point that is ok, you will have agreed with your supervisor what AOLs you are submitting and should still list the other claims you intend to make on your RPL claim sheet. 


The RPL claim sheet is like your cover page for the claim - it must be completed in order to outline the claim you are making for accreditation of your prior experiences.

- the Supporting Statement section at the top is like a short artists biography overviewing your professional practice as a whole.

- the Prior Accredited Learning section is where you add the details of your ISTD Fellowship, Licentitate, PGCE if held - if not please leave this blank DO NOT add details of qualifications you may hold at level 4 and 5 for example as these do not add up to part of your 80 credit claim

- the Experiential Learning section is where you complete the details of the Area of Learning Essays you are submitting.

- the sections that are highlighted on the template form are to be completed by you - you must state the AOL title (max 60 characters permitted), dates, Content, Context, specialised subject area, broader context area, credit claimed, and include three citations per AOL.

The RPL claim as a whole submission consists of your annotated CV, current Job Description, any certification for Prior Accredited Learning you may be claiming and your AOL essay. Each AOL essay should be followed by appropriate illustrations for that area and bibliography.

Please submit the RPL claim cover sheet via the turnitin tab in the RPL folder on your MAPP ACI page on Unihub AND email it to your supervisor. Please submit the RPL portfolio (CV, Job Description, AOLS, illustrations and bibliography for each AOL) in the AOL tab in the same folder on Unihub. 


Any problems please simply email your work to your supervisor!

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

ETHICS reminder


 A note on the MORE application process 

You should all be sharing your completed MORE applications with Astrid Bernkopf this Friday - this does not mean it is finished and ready to submit to the ethics committee, it means you have had a go at completing the whole application and shared it with Astrid for feedback.

After Friday Astrid will feedback on your MORE applications (NOT INDIVIDUAL EMAILS) with comments for you to attend to and re-submit the application - if needed Astrid may contact you to discuss something further before you re-submit. 


Please consider the ethics of your own actions in this process - should you be asking someone else which boxes to tick? Or asking yourself the questions the MORE form is posing and taking time to consider what your response may be in relation to your proposed inquiry.


Please note that Astrid's name should be given as the PI/Supervisor on all of your MORE applications as it is Astrid that needs to see your application on Friday and oversee the Ethics process with you. 

Please do refer to the recording of the ETHICS session Astrid gave in week 5 - this was very thorough and is on unihub for you as a guide to refer back to.

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

A route into feedback exchange

As we approach the time in the term when you are preparing work in draft form to email to your supervisors to initiate a conversation on that work in order to support you in developing the work further and ready for submission in May, I wanted to share this established Feedback Response process pioneered by dance-artist, maker, scholar Liz Lerman - if you are not familiar with her work do look it up!!

Liz Lerman's Critical Response Process is widely acknowledged and used in dance and making contexts but also in practice-as-research, oepn dialogue and scholarly conversation. 

Do, take a look and consider some of the principles of this process in relation to the process of your draft work submitted for feedback and how we advocate on this programme for a Feedback Exchange between student and supervisor...


do share your thoughts...

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Data and Analysis

 We had a good session yesterday with Module Three students talking about 

Data - the range of information gathered from research methods - Interviews, Surveys, Observations, scholarship, reflective journals

and its relationship with 

Analysis - the meaning-making process of transformation - looking across ALL data sets for common patterns, themes emerging

This TEDTalk from Anthropologist Stefana Broadbent offers an example of a researcher sharing their research, commenting on distinct data sources and their analysis of them.


Do share your thoughts - 

what is the data you are gathering?

 what does it feel like? how is it speaking to you? 

What methods are you using to organise it and analyse it?


 remember in Module Three you are not presenting the raw data itself, but analysing to find meaning in relation to your professional practice

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Module Ones - AOL drafts

A reminder for Module One students that Monday March 7th is the deadline for sending through the outline of your RPL claim - listing all proposed AOL titles, AND the draft of ONE AOL essay to your supervisor via email.

To review this process:

The RPL claim as a whole submission consists of 

- your annotated CV

- current Job Description

- any certification for Prior Accredited Learning you may be claiming (PGCE etc)

- your AOL essays (approx 2,000 words each essay). 

This is to be submitted on March 21st via Turnitin. RPL Folder on MAPP ACI Unihub page.

By Monday 7th,

You should be sending your supervisior (via email) one AOL drafted essay - this should be a full as possible so that we can feedback on content, use of reflective practice, engagement with wider research, structure, writing style etc, plus your RPL claim sheet - which outlines all the AOLs you intend to submit to complete the claim. You should have / be discussing your AOL titles with your supervisor and then should plan to discuss your draft after submitting it in preparation for writing the remaining AOL essays - please note: you do not send a draft of each AOL essay, just one - feedback discussion - and trust yourself to write the others in a similar manner.

Module Three's Change of Date

 Advance notice of change in schedule

Module Three session scheduled for Wed April 20th at 5pm is 

rescheduled to TUESDAY APRIL 19TH AT 6PM (UK)


Your next scheduled session for Module Three will go ahead as scheduled Monday March 7th 6pm (UK)