Sunday 28 March 2021

Thinking, Talking, Change

This evening's Discussion group was facilitated as an Artist in Conversation with Dance Artist and Choreographer Becky Namgauds.

A few thoughts for further thinking in relation to your MA study from hearing Becky talk about her work;

  • The nature and value of collaboration - look at what emerges when you are open to looking at the potential in the relationships between things, not just sticking with what you know.
  •  Relationships between art and life - hierarchy, patriarchy, inequality, power, control - look at how these constructs manifest in your practice, profession, society - these structures are at play throughout societies, what are the ways in which you can question, challenge and resist absorbing the structures that impose upon you. 
  •  Being vulnerable  - learning to talk about your practice, your artist and pedagogic processes (Module Threes especially big hint) Start thinking about how you communicate what you are doing in your research in and of your practice to others in the arts profession. Use your blogs to pracitce, use these discussion groups to find your voice, ask questions, share things that are a part of your practice and journey!

Spring Break now...

Next Sunday Discussion group is an addition to the schedule so please do note the date: 

SUNDAY APRIL 18, with Dr Sam Murray, Performer/Composer, Activist and Policy Researcher,


  1. Thank you Helen for this. I enjoyed listening to Becky and her creative process behind her choreographies and collaboration. Interesting word for me was 'feminicide'.
    Will the zoom link for the added date be the same? Cheers

  2. Thank you Helen for that kind of Sunday active and experiential discussions. I was enjoying as much as I could regarding constant unstable internet connection. Anyway, on my blog everyone can find my thoughts about it:)

  3. That was a great online session, thanks for organizing. A brief reflection about it has been posted on my blog.

  4. Hello,
    Could not attend at the discussion due to work, but thank you for the blog posting it helped me a lot.
    Wrote a blog regarding "change" and the "roles of the dance teacher".

  5. Thank you Helen. I have tried to pull out of guest talks meaning to my immediate area of work. I have posted here:

    I do reflect on my own personal conduct as a teacher, regarding body image etc, and believe I am inclusive in my practice. But am I? I’ve read through an earlier blog you made back in 2013, bringing to attention a student who had issue with the way she was touched in a ballet class, and the permission seeking and situation that presented as per the blog’s comment. All very tricky and food for more than just thought.

  6. moving and are my thoughts:

  7. Hi Helen,

    What time is the discussion on the 18th please?

  8. Hi Helen,

    What time is the discussion on the 18th please?

  9. Hello Helen, Thank you for sharing. These ideas are concepts I have been working and moving through in person. I wish I could have been in attendance however my link on this discussion is here:

  10. Hi, as I wasn’t able to be part of the discussion, I have made connections with the blogs you have kindly shared with my thoughts on the topics discussed, how they are coming into play in my research inquiry and practice these days.
    Looking forward to the next discussion on Sunday 18th.
    Best Linda
