Saturday, 9 March 2013

Plans and Drafts...

The before bit.
Before you jump head first into your research (module twos) or the writing of Areas of Learning (module ones) take a look at what you're proposing to do.  Gain an understanding from your handbooks, conversations with your advisor, as to the context of what is expected of your actions in relation to the MAPP programme, and try out what's in your mind.  For module two, that does mean quite literally 'try it out'!  Create a pilot study of your planned research, an area of it.  A pilot study on a smaller scale than your intended research inquiry will allow you to navigate your way on a trial run, identify potential areas of concern, flag up some unexpected surprises which you won't have been able to see before putting thought into action.  Pilot Studies are a learning tool, a way of testing the water, but only if you then take the time to learn from (through reflection and further research) what they have shown.  To be particularly alert to, and this pertaining also to the linked-in discussions this week, is ethical considerations.  As some of you are working with young people, or intending to use young people within your research inquiry, you must consider the ethical implications of your proposed research on those involved.  Please do use the Ethics Form under your Module page on LibGuides, and of course ask your advisor if there is anything you are unclear about with regards to this.
Module One asks you to identify your possible Area of Learning titles and to draft your first one this week.  Begin to put in writing what that area or your learning is to you.  How do you define this area? How does it define you/your practice? What does it entail? Which hat(s) does it require you to wear? Who does it affect?  Drafts...Put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) and begin to play with the words which may enable you to communicate to others an area of your learning.  Email your draft to your advisor, arrange a skype call, so that you can discuss this draft, we can offer feedback in order for you to re-draft, and in so doing broaden/deepen your thoughts and your demonstration of them in writing.

So, I'll leave you to plan, to draft, to discuss... to continue with your journeys for the week...


1 comment:

  1. Helen, sorry to respond so late to your previous suggestion that we read Fiona Bannon's article on Relational Ethics (2012). An interesting piece of research, Bannon looks at two groups involved in Dance practice, namely teachers and students. Presented with structured questionnaires based on acceptable uses for touch in Dance training, both groups considered the use of 'touch' to be acceptable for the purpose of heightening self and body awareness. The research illustrated further that teachers and students agreed it as the most important aspect for the use of touch. It was the clarification of the field of relational ethics, and ethics in general, however, that proved extremely helpful.
