Friday, 28 March 2014

Mid-term check in...

A brief check-in/check-list for you all at the half-way (ish) mark through this term...

Taking this an an overview check-list but remembering you're all working to YOUR own pattern in terms of time/work/study/home balance.  Don't panic at this stage, but do talk to your advisor if you have concerns at all.  Often just talking through what's bothering you can help you to find a way through.

We are here!
 <aonthephone> - Adesola
  <helen.kindred2> - Helen

Module Ones - Compiling a list of your proposed AOLs (Areas Of Learning) following feedback on your annotated CV/Job Description.  Noticing the areas in your prior learning that you have made reference to in your CV and beginning to build a picture of yourself/your practice from this information.  Share your list with your Advisor and then draft the first AOL with guidance/feedback from us before setting off on writing the others.  Begin to collect/collate evidence to support these claims for prior learning, remembering that evidence can take many forms; maybe you have certificates from CPD courses attended, programmes from events you have organised, dvd of your choreographic or performance work?

Module Twos -  Thinking about and noting what you are reading to begin to form your draft literature review.  Noticing patterns emerging in your line of inquiry, beginning to sketch out your proposal for your research inquiry.

Module Threes - Research underway, keeping those questions coming, allowing space for more to emerge, checking in with your advisor when you need to.

ALL - continuing to share and support each other via your blogs, keep breathing, keep going!!

Join each other Sunday April 6, 11am for our next Group Skype.

Remember you can arrange a one-to-one with your advisor at any time also

With all good wishes,

Monday, 17 March 2014

Grade waiting...

Apologies for the delay in you all getting your grades through on UniHub from your previous module.  Just to let you know the delay is for all, no-one has been forgotten!  There some discussions still taking place between the External Examiners and the Institute for Work Based Learning at Middlesex.

I hope this will be resolved this week and Grades published very soon after.

Thanks for your patience!


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Creative Habits...

Some mid-week food for thought for you all as we ponder pedagogy / andragogy, males / females, people, life, dance...

What are your thoughts?
