Thursday, 15 September 2016

New beginnings...

WELCOME to all those joining us in the MAPP community this term...looking forward to meeting you all online on FRIDAY SEPT 16TH, 1200 (UK TIME).

and WELCOME BACK to all current students re-engaging with your MAPP journey this term.

Term formally starts on Sept 26th, and we'll have our first monthly GROUP SKYPE MEETING of the term on SUNDAY OCT 2ND with the option for you to join either the 1100 or 1700 (UK time) Skype calls - remember to let Adesola know which one you'll join so that she can add you to the call! - comment here with either '1100' or '1700'

Programme and Module Handbooks are online for you now - don't get overwhelmed by them!! But worth taking a look at the module handbook for the module you're enrolling on this term and to have the Programme Handbook to hand to general study / university protocol reference.

To find the handbooks and other MAPP resources;

Go to: Unihub -

My Learning (tab)

MA Professional Practice Dance Technique Pedagogy (tab in the drop down list)
Here you will find resources, guides, handbooks, assessment submission drop boxes and more...


  1. LOVED the induction today. Nice to know you have support. Excited to start this journey!

  2. Great induction just now! Feel excited to start this new journey with everybody :)

  3. This is a very exciting, the induction was very informative and eye opening.
    It was great to meet all the other fellow MAPP students and connect over skype.
    I was very nervous but now after the induction over skype i have relaxed and developed confidence knowing that you, helen and adesola are here to guide us.
    I found all the information very detailed and easy to follow and doing the blog as a first task!!!
    Phew, i thought i would never be able to do this, but yes guys this a great way to get started and make the commitment within myself as i am the only one checking myself.

  4. Lovely to 'meet' everyone on Friday at the induction....looking forward to getting started now!

  5. Look forward to an exciting fall and hope to visit more during the 2 October Skype call at 5PM.

  6. Very nice post.really I apperciate your blog.Thanks for sharing.keep sharing more blogs.

