Well done to everyone on a great term's work
and to module three students on completing your MA!!
As you will appreciate now we have to work with the External Examiners and then go through the university assessment boards to confirm all grades, you will see your grades published on Unihub by mid-June. Finalist students you will receive your final degree classification the week after module grades are published.
Module One - RPL claims are approved and credit added in July.
Module Two - Ethics Approval is due by
the end of June, please remember you do not start your field research
for your inquiry until September.
Module three - graduates!! We look forward to celebrating with you at Graduation on July 4th if you're able to make it to London for this.
We look forward to working further with returning students in September.
Term starts back September 12th.
Deferred submissions are due in by July 6, the folder and turnitin boxes are open now and close 23.59 July 6, you can submit anytime until this deadline for consideration for progression to the next module in September.