A note on Supervisions
Availability is updated on doodlepoll every two weeks. Please do go to the TUTORIALS folder on your unihub programme page to book a time that is showing as available - this saves several emails back and forth arranging times.
Please do note that Supervisions are to discuss your work - I have had some great conversations with people this week for example talking around possible Area of Learning titles in relationship with theories of reflection that have been engaged with through the reading list materials(module One), and thoughts around possible areas of potential inquiry with discussions of the literature engaged with so far and preliminary research into methodologies and methods (module two).
Please try to think of and therefore use supervision time for this kind of discussion. Please do think about the time allocated for supervisions (noted in your module handbooks) and how best you would like to use this through the term - save good time for thorough discussions around drafts of work for example. If you have a quick question, of course simply drop an email.
With this in mind, while Adesola is on sick leave - please do not disturb her with emails or try and book anything on doodlepoll instead please send your email/supervision request to discuss work to Angela Woodhouse <a.woodhouse@mdx.ac.uk> who is with us also on the programmes team for MAPP.
Have good weekends...