Wednesday 17 February 2021

Module One focus discussion

This afternoon we had a discussion group with a Module One focus of 'Seeing your Practice, Seeing your Self'. It was great to hear the many articulations of 'practice', distinctions or the relationships between Practice and Discipline, notions of change, responsiveness, balance all being raised. 

We spoke about practice being fluid rather than a fixed definition, and how this feels particularly relevant now. Reflecting on past learning experiences in order to begin to situate your practice today is important in this module. As we talked it was clear to hear some Areas of Learning emerging for different people. Try to think critically of your past experiences in the ways that learning has been present across different contexts rather than defined by a particular job role or 'named' experience as you begin to formulate your AOL titles now. 

Please do comment below with your blog post continuing these discussions so that we can all follow and contribute further - the hour went very quickly!

A thought that I was reminded of from philosopher Alan Watts

“Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.”

Alan Watts 
Accept the process, be in it, not trying to separate yourself from it, and enjoy the multiplicity perhaps?


  1. Thank you so much for this afternoons discussion!

    1. Hi Charlotte - thank you for this post. It really articulates a lot of what I was feeling about mind-blown - questions - feeling excited to be learning and then fearful of how little I know and how big the hill is to climb!

      It is also amazing to hear these stories from the world of dance and to consider how they apply in my creative practice. I think there is much commonality in identity, form and narrative expression to explore.

  2. Great time spent this morning listening to everyone's contributions. Thank you for the reminder of the journaling.

  3. hi Helen,
    we had a lovely encountering yesterday afternoon and it was good to see some new faces and sharing ideas about self practice, identity, time, dynamic of teaching, strategy, ...on my blog i wrote something regarding my experience on Module 1 and how i am preparing for the Module here it is my blog

    1. Thanks Sandra, I have realised your blog posts all come out as comments from your first blog post not as individual posts? this makes it harder for others to find and comment on them, maybe have a look at the settings when you can : )

    2. yes, understand, i realised that too, but i still do not know how to change that, i will try work on it, thank you for the tip:)

  4. Thank you for an inspiring online discussion.

  5. I read this in ‘The Week’ magazine ‘We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn’ Mary Catherine Bateson. I thought it was apt. Nice meeting you all yesterday. Thanks Helen for your guidance. I hope I’ve set up my blog correctly, it’s all new to me! Susie

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Susie I love that qoute! Something for me to think deeper on. Yesterday was a great start to our journey together. It has helped be reflect on whether I am trying to force something or allowing myself to really see authentic threads throughout my practice.
    BY the way, this is Laurie Zabele Cawley. I am trying to change the admin name but have been unsuccessful to day.

  8. Thank you all for such a thought provoking first discussion - it flew by! Looking forward to sharing and continuing discussion on this platform with everyone:

  9. Gutted that I couldn't make this session due to teaching, it sounds like it was a fab session and I think it would have really helped me to stop panicking about what I am supposed to be doing right now! Looking forward to Sundays session though, and hoping I get the hang of this blogging thing really soon! ha!

  10. Thankyou very much for the discussion Helen! It opened my mind to even more inquisitive thoughts to explore!

    Here is my blog post :)

  11. Hi, Alan Watt's quote is so true! I was particularly fascinated by the idea of identity, especially now, during this life-changing experience we have been witnessing on a global scale and in our microcosms. Please see my related blog here
