Friday, 12 October 2012

Week One done. Week two...

Looking back...
I wonder how you've all been doing this past week?  If you've managed to wade through the Introduction to Module One handbook, found any time to start your Reflective Journals?  I wonder what thoughts and questions have come up for you as you've started your journey into this MA?  Try to record these in some way for yourselves, and to share on your blog with the rest of the MAPP DTP community online.

I'm really pleased that you've nearly all tackled your first blogs this week too!  Great start!  Do feel free to blog your thoughts, reflections, questions on a particularly interesting or difficult day, whether you feel this is directly related to the MA or not, it will help get you in the practice of reflective writing, and you may well find similar experiences amongst you as a community of practitioners, let's see...

Looking forward...
This week you could start to take a look at your CV.  What do you see?  How does it present your career?  Look to see if you have included all relevant areas that have contributed to your current practice, including any voluntary work, in-house training, short courses? Remember that (particularly in dance!) it is not just the paid work which builds your practice and so your reflections on your areas of learning need to recognise ALL learning which has informed your practice.  As you progress through Module One your CV should be a workable model, a document which develops with you as you identify and unpack your Areas of Learning.

Adesola has posted an excellent example of ways to see your own areas of learning on her MAPP blog today..please do take a look at it, and begin to start relating to areas in your own learning.

Find time to rest, read and reflect this week and I look forward to more on your blogs soon

1 comment:

  1. Whilst waiting for my blogs to go live - my fault - I thought I would comment here... First week has been fine. I like reflecting, although I have to be careful that my brain does not explode. This usually happens at night... and that cannot be a good thing. I also have to be careful not to over-analyse everything I do and say. Balance in all things. It is quite a trip revisiting my CV! Not something you usually go back to - more you add to it! So far so good. Have a good weekend. Janet
